Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Well its been a while since I posted last, we are now staying at Baptist Mid Mission's compound in Lima. We are having a great time exploring the city and visiting local churches.

Our last week in Pisco was great. We ran our final kids clubs on Saturday and many kids got saved. We had a emotional parting with our church family in Pisco. It was nice to spend time with them. As most of the church has only been saved for 3 years or less we tried hard to be a good example of what strong Christians should be. Though to be honest there were many times this baby church showed me what vibrant Christianity looks like. They spent a lot of time together as a church. When we went out to do evangelistic things around the city, there would almost always be a good size group of them with us. They were actively serving God in a way that convicted me of how I spend my time in the states.

I love the church in Pisco, when we left I told them they were in my heart. A cool thing that's part of their culture is that the ask you when your coming back when they say their goodbyes. Its really touching and makes you feel that they really enjoyed you being with them. Some of men asked me one night and I told them that I hoped to come back to Pisco, but if it wasn't God's will I would see them in heaven.
Its a cool thing to realize as a Christian, even if distance and various things keep us from seeing each other again in this life; I will see my Peruvian brothers and sisters in the next life. So I say goodbye with sadness but I know its not permanent.

Talk to you Later,

p.s. Pray that we would give God glory with the remaining week. And praise him for his greatness in providing us a family around the world.

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