Friday, July 17, 2009

We have 2 weeks left here in Peru and its been amazing. We have learned a lot and been involved in almost everything the this church does. We even attented our first baby shower. In Pisco we were told its normal for the men to attend as well as the women. It was fun, we were laughing most of the time.

One of my favorite days here is Sunday. We attend church in the morning then go to a families house in the afternoon for lunch. While we are waiting we play soccer with some men in the neighborhood. We have been playing with them for several weeks now and last Sunday one of them invited everyone over to his house after the games. We had a good time of fellowship and Pastor Zubieta and Titus had the chance to share the gospel with them all. One of the men seems very interested in becoming a Christian. Its great how God suprises you with amazing opportunites.

The weather here has been great its been about 70 during the day and mabye 60 at nights. Its funny because this is their winter, when I tell them how cold it gets in Wisconsin their pretty suprised.

Pisco is in the state of Ica and this part of Peru is mainly desert, so its been weird getting used to the sand and dust everywhere. The other day we went to an area that was very green and I was loving every minute of it. When I see green it makes me think of Wisconsin.

Its funny how different this place is from the states. We are in a appartment that doesn´t have hot water so we have been taking cold showers for weeks. There are always dogs walking the streets(their a great way to get rid of food you don´t want to eat). For transportation you walk or take a taxi everywhere. And most of the things you buy are in open air markets or shops that specialize in something. There are a few Walmart type stores in Peru but not anywhere near us. And the taxies are very interesting. There are a few full size cars, but most are little 3 wheel motercycles with a cab on it. The other day I was thinking how normal its all become but how weird it is compared to the States.

Its also been a growing experience living with 3 other guys in a small appartment with a small bathroom. To give you a idea of how small are bathroom is, there are about 5in between the front of our toilet and the wall in front of it. I will have to post a picture next week. Its been a good experience and we have been solving our issues like Christians. You always have to thank God for the opportunites he provides for you to grow in your walk with him.

Well talk to you all later,

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